CACWL Member Groups
There are currently 15 member groups that comprise the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake & Area. A rich and diverse expression of arts in our community, these groups are responsible for a wide range of community-oriented and creativity-enhancing activities and productions.
Each picture will open to a separate window with more information about that group when selected.
Become a member!
Join our vibrant community of art makers and social changers. Membership is the ideal way to network with local groups, support the Arts sector in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, promote your group's work, and ensure that you are eligible for financial support for future projects and events!
Yearly dues are $10/individual, $25/family, $35/business, $60/group and $5/students & seniors. Please contact us here or call Marg Evans at 250-989-1234 for more information.