CACWL has two workshops for young folks making music this April and May. Read on, and fill out the form at the end of the post to register or get more info.

Up first, Mr. Brandon Hoffman throws down. Register early, only 10 spots available! (There's more detailed info on this course further down the page)

Next we celebrate BC Youth Week by hosting a workshop with Beka Solo and Rich Mac!

All ages are welcome to this FREE event. You'll work on rhythm, beat and lyrical content. Beka and Rich will introduce the concepts as well as demonstrate their own crafted songwriting and production.  The incentive here is that one talented participant will receive a recording session with the Beka and Rich for showing up and shining their light.

Here's some more detailed info on Brandon's six-week course:

Week 1 - Setting up your space: making a good recording and mixing environment both technically and creativity. Speaker location, "baffling", standing waves and "flutter"; how putting a nice heavy blanket on the right wall can make a world of difference (We'll do a lot of clapping and shouting). Which shape and size of room is best, and what can you do when you only have the worst to work with. We’ll also talk about isolation – keeping the outside world out of your recordings, and your neighbors/parents happy.
Week 2 - Setting up your DAW (digital audio workstation): Learning what's available and what you will need to get started in practically any style of music. We'll talk a bit about microphones and interfaces, and what free recording programs and "virtual instruments" are available. The basic needs of a recording artists varies greatly between different styles, but there’s a ton available for free or cheap, and these days no genre is off limits.
Week 3 - Recording 101: single-mic techniques; from getting the thing plugged in, to putting it in the right place on any instrument. "Monitoring," or making sure you can hear everything you need to hear while you're recording. We’ll compare the sounds of a couple different microphones, and spend the day following our ears.
Week 4 - Recording 102: multi-mic recording; recording with two or more mics at the same time. Down the rabbit-hole we go! What’s up with “phase?” Matchedpairs? X-Y or ORTF mic’ing?
Week 5 - Mixing 101: EQ? Levels? Panning? Oh my! Once you have some different elements recorded (digital, 'virtual' instruments, real instruments, vocals, or any combination) what can you do to make sure everything is balanced and clear? Plug-ins?
Week 6 - Mixing 102: We will focus a bit more, and dive into the mysterious world
of EQ (equalizing) a little deeper. And lastly, the great mixdown.

All you need is a computer, tablet, or multi-track recorder, microphone (even a
computer’s built-in mic is fine) and your own creativity. There is no need to bring
gear to class; each week you will be given a small homework assignment to
figure out on your own. In class, we will use Audacity (a totally free open-source
recording program), but our techniques will be useful in Garage Band, Ableton,
or any other recording program (including all-in-one desktop recording
This is a lot of information to move through in only six weeks! Weekly homework
assignments will not be huge, but you will need to spend at least a couple hours
per week between classes to keep up. This class is for the rad, self-motivated
individual who just wants a bit of practical help realizing their musical vision.
By the end of the six weeks, each student will have created at least one song
using their own home recording setup, and have the basic tools to make their
first hit record. The class is limited to just 10 students to ensure everyone gets a
thorough and custom-tailored learning experience. Brandon will professionally
master all the final projects and supply students with a compilation CD to show
off all their hard work.

Get in touch with us to register or find out more: