CACWL current President, Marg Evans, to resign after six fruitful years.
On Saturday, October 5th, the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake will hold its Annual General Meeting at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre’s Graham Kelsey room, bringing change to the organization’s current landscape. After six years as President, Marg Evans, the group’s dedicated champion for arts and culture for all, steps away to enjoy a more restful retirement.
Marg was also involved in the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society for many years, and felt the time was right to pull back from both organizations, inviting new people and new ideas into the mix. For the CACWL, Marg offered expertise and leadership in many facets of the organization, including grant writing, financial oversight and a wealth of creative ideas that add to the colourful Cariboo Culture. “It has been wonderful working with so many dedicated artists over the 13 years that I’ve sat on the Board, the last 6 as president,” Evans states. “It takes a team of many volunteers to keep a group like ours going, sharing the load so it is less burdensome for the few.”
Leading an organization like the Community Arts Council is an exciting opportunity, a task, Evans ensures, where transition would be supported by herself and the existing Board and staff. She would like to be accessible to the new leadership, passing on her valuable experience and know-how. Evans has invested and dedicated her time in the last several years to set up procedures, policies and management oversight of the CACWL. These set the organization up with a healthy foundation to build on, while CACWL Coordinator and Programs Manager, Venta Rutkauskas, brings significant experience in the daily running of the organization. Venta has been in the position for 5 years this October, having gained administrative and fiscal responsibilities during her time. She also seeks out funding through grants and assists in the creation and promotion of programs.
CACWL welcomes new members and Directors, especially those interested in supporting our work with Youth Arts, Artists in the Schools and accessible arts education community wide. The Directors can be involved as much or as little as they feel comfortable with, though we encourage attendance at our meetings every few months. CACWL Membership is open to Individuals, Families, Arts Groups and Businesses, with a sliding scale for membership fees. Attend the AGM to learn about this dynamic organization and its 14 member groups! Join us Saturday, October 5th at 10 am, for refreshments. The meeting will get underway at 10:30 am. RSVP with Venta Rutkauskas, 250.305.9428, or email